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Weddings in Israel During the Coronavirus Crisis

Writer: iKonnectiKonnect

The #Coronavirus has caught us all by surprise. But in Israel weddings still took place... just maybe a bit differently than the traditional "I Do". Read to find out!

A Jewish wedding huppah on a balcony overlooking Jerusalem
Credit: Guy Shriber

If you haven't heard of the #Corona Pandemic, and you would stride along these streets now - you would think it was either #Yom_Kippur or you were in an episode of #Black_Mirror.

For such a small and young country, Israel has known so many crises and wars that have strengthened our sense of solidarity and eased the way we switch from normal to an emergency in no time.

Therefore we decided to share some truly incredible stories of Israelis during the Corona crisis, that really warmed our hearts, hopefully, you will feel the same!

One of the main industries that are suffering from Coronavirus's limitations is the whole wedding industry.

Because of the restrictions of the Health Ministry, holding a wedding ceremony seems pretty impossible, as you need to keep 2 meters between one another, and no crowds larger than 10 people.

Almost every couple that planned to get married now has postponed their wedding, but there are a few whose love for one another is far stronger than any virus or Health Ministry limitation. We stumbled upon a few weddings in Israel that we thought you would like to hear about, a ray of light in these hard times.

These two couples decided that their love cannot wait any longer, so they decided to continue with the marriage in Jerusalem, just as planned. How did they do it? Just watch and see for yourself:

Another couple of weddings occurred way back when the limitation was only crowding up to 100 people (way, way back...about 1 week ago). Nonetheless, there were two Haredi couples, one in Jerusalem and one in Bnei Brak, that decided the show of love must go on and continued with their wedding plans.

What they did was, the hall stayed nearly empty, and all the people were outside dancing in groups, so there won't be crowds bigger than 100 people. This way the couples were able to move in and out of the hall, and dance and celebrate with their loved ones.

These wedding stories are just a reminder of what strong and embracing people you can find in Israel, and how as a nation we are able to adapt and overcome any challenge that comes our way.

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